Friday, July 24, 2009

The First 24 Hours -

Thanks folks for your comments - Alison - you are certainly Aunt Ali - and can't wait to have Brianna babysit - yes, even with a live-in - we'll be looking for babysitting help!

Here's a picture of us yesterday with Alicia - you can see that she is laid back - enjoying the open air! Early indications are that she may be our tomboy!!

Here we are with Savannah - Check out that head of hair - it's ready for a bow!! When she was first born and it was still wet - it was curly/wavy. We think she will have beautiful hair. JW is convinced she will be our girlie, girlie of the two. We shall see.

These pictures were taken about 10:00 AM yesterday - an hour after they were born.

Just a quick update - the girls are doing better this morning -again, the only issue they have is letting their lungs dry out - Savannah swallowed a good bit of fluid at birth, and Alicia had some as well - they are still in intensive care, but I got to hold them late last night for a few minutes - and they both had their eyes open looking around - it is amazing!

They have been feeding them through a tube so far - but they are using our breastmilk - next step will be to try breastfeeding, which we are slated to try later this afternoon - Savannah has been sucking her thumb vigourously - and so she should be able to feed well (in fact, Kathy is a bit apprehensive about getting her on the breast); Alicia will suck if given the stimulation, so she should be fine as well.

They are talking about letting us go home tomorrow or Sunday - they will just continue to monitor for any jaundice which can occur in the first several days of life, and if there are any issues, may keep them an extra day to address that -
That's all for now -


  1. Wow they look PERFECT! Brianna was jaundiced at first, we solved that with walks in the sunshine on the beach (we lived on the beach in Lynn MA). So poolside on the Windermere is in order! haha. How exciting to bring them home so soon. That is great! What a thrill to hold those precious gifts of life!!! I am glad you were able. I have to point out the irony in the fact that you two's children are starting life by needing to "dry out" hahahaha. Party girls already! HOW FUN! Enjoy and keep the blog info coming.

  2. Whats the update? All ok? coming home today?
